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Facebooking the Big Trip

Facebook is always asking you to join a group or become a zombie. Isn't it time social networking did something for you?

Ever hip to the zeitgeist, the Lonley Planet page is offering you the chance to win AUD$5,000 in travel or a 'crapload of LP books' for a 500 word piece about your dream trip. That would be roughly $10 a word, which is a pretty good rate. All the winning entries will be published in a mini-book released through STA Travel stores.

All the details are here and if you want to find out what happens if a dog eats your entry then check the conditions here. Oh and you have to be a Facebook member - they'll get you one way or another...


  1. If I'm not on Facebook - I think there's a support group for this somewhere, probably on the internet - could I get someone to enter something on my behalf? I could definitely write something about a dream trip.

    The Big Trip cover is crazy psychedelic - what exactly are you trying to encourage young student travellers heading for the Continent ... :)

  2. These days, Ryan (if that is your real name), if you're not on Facebook you're barely alive... I'm fooling, but more and more journalists are talking about FB as a tool and not just ofr the promotion of quality books for first-time travellers.
    What's in it for journalists ( makes several interesting points. A colleague made an interesting comment about whether FB will become background - a tool we use without thinking like Google - or whether it will disappear. Stay tuned...
    I don't think you can enter without FB though as you need to post on the page. Getting someone else to post would mean losing you chance to win.
    I really like the cover, but take you point - there is too much attention to elephant riding.


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